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One of the best Pulmonologist in the medical field. Comfort and the courtesy of the office staff are exceptional. The provider listened to everything I had to say and was very understanding about my problems. I was satisfied with the general state of health after my treatment with the provider.


Every time I see sick people I tell them about her, Dr. Shaikh is the best if it wasn’t for her I would most likely not be breathing right now. She really cares for the patients she treats.


We have a doctor that you can trust, If you need help breathing then she’s a must! She’s a Pulmonarist and has what it takes, Her office is in Patchogue her name is Dr. Shaikh.
She takes care of your lungs and of course your breathing, By making sure your lungs are clear and you’re not wheezing. She became involved with my husband last January 2012, When my husband’s breathing problems were causing hell. She became a guardian angel in our time of need When doctors couldn’t figure out why my husband couldn’t breathe! They kept on treating him for Bronchitis or Pneumonia, She put her foot down and told them that they were full of Bull-ogna! I don’t even want to think of what could have happened If she hadn’t been there that night in the ER at Brookhaven! Cause she did everything possible and made it her job, To make sure my husband George’s life was worth saving! You’ve made me believe and trust in doctors again, So from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you Dr. Shaikh for being there for George, you definitely have what it takes!

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